About the Client
Australia’s leading online florist, Interflora, offers same-day flower delivery nationally and internationally. The company has been in the flowers trade for the last 100 years. Interflora caters to the demand for flowers from Australia as well as around 200 other countries. With a network of around 70,000 member florists across the globe, Interflora guarantees delivery of select fresh flowers to its customers.
The Requirement
Interflora had a functional website where customers could log in and place their orders for home delivery. However, the company felt that the site was not at par with the changed market scenario and rapid increase in the online trade in flowers business. The site was dominated with heavy text content that added monotony to the website and was not very user friendly. Interflora felt that to meet the expectations of their customers, the site had to be catchy, fresh and visually attractive. Its online presence was in the need for an upgrade that reflected its true status in the business. The company’s image, ethos and promise needed to clearly come through, to stay ahead of competition and to keep pace with changing times.
Association with Cohezia
After a detailed and exhaustive selection process, Interflora chose Cohezia to bring a fresh approach towards the website redesign and development for its planned upgrade.
Our Approach and Solution
Our approach was primarily end-user driven-a key objective was to communicate visually rather than through clunky content. We focused on improving the visibility of the product range, services, brand and value proposition and facilitated online payment. The added functionalities helped users to order products- they can add several add-ons to an original order intuitively and can also change things around before making payment, without repeating the entire procedure or losing their initial data. The customized product catalogues displayed the entire product range giving a unique shopping experience to the user. Another key aspect was to look at it holistically and consider both social media and SEO strategy as an integral part of the upgrade. Using the .Net 4.0 framework, we ensured enhanced usability and easy accessibility. We implemented several SEO friendly design techniques and also seamlessly integrated it with social media. For Facebook users, we provided an FB Login so that they don’t have to register each time they want to login and purchase.
The Result
The end result was a website that was aligned to market demands and company ethos, and an enhanced digital presence for Interflora.